Grading FAQs
To help make things easier
To help make things easier, we have pulled together our most frequently asked questions about Gradings.
Members Questions
Who do I pay my grading fee to?
You will need to pay your grading fee directly to your club. Each club will have varying processes so it is worthwhile speaking with your coach.
When will I receive my certificate/badge?
Once your club has submitted your grading to JudoScotland we will process this and return it to the club with certificates and badges. Your Club will then distribute the grading within the club.
Where does the badge go on my child’s judogi?
As part of your child’s junior membership, they will receive various badges for their junior kit as they progress through the grading system. Knowing where to sew each badge can tricky, the below diagram should help you to learn the correct positioning:

Why have I not received my certificate/badge?
The main reason for not receiving your certificate and badge is a lapsed or incomplete JudoScotland membership. When you renew your membership any outstanding certificates and badges will also be sent out.
To check the status of your JudoScotland Membership please login into the members zone using your membership number as your username (not your email address). Your membership number can be found on your JudoScotland licence in your blue book.
If you have checked that your JudoScotland membership is in-date and you still haven’t received your certificate, please do get in touch with us.
Coaches Questions
What is the process of applying for a grading?
The process for clubs to apply for a grading is as follows:
1. Grading Licensing
To apply for a grading licence clubs must complete a Grading application a minimum of 2 weeks before the grading date. JS will issue the grading sheets 2 weeks before the grading date.
2. Processing
On completion of your grading please return to JudoScotland in line with the date indicated on the grading licence to avoid any delays for your members. Gradings will only be accepted and processed by JudoScotland if they are returned on officially licensed grading sheets that have been provided by JudoScotland. We will aim to process gradings within 14 days of receiving them.
3. Grading
The grading information must be accurate, legible and signed by an individual with the authority to grade (minimum of level 2 coach).
Where can I get the grading licence application from?
You can download a grading licence application here.
When will I be sent my grading sheets?
JudoScotland will issue a grading sheet two weeks before the grading date.
Fast tracks
You can download a fast track grading application form here.
Conversion table
Converting Kai to Mon members can be done using our conversion table which can be found here.
JudoScotland values the hard work of our member clubs without whom we wouldn’t be able to develop Judo in Scotland.
We want to make judo accessible to whoever wants to take part, as a JudoScotland member you will have access to a variety of benefits.
Coaches are at the front line of judo and are an integral part of clubs. We provide continuous professional development for coaches already on the pathway.
"If there is effort, there is always accomplishment."
Jigoro Kano