Scottish referee James McBeath has been promoted to the highest level of referee recognised by the International Judo Federation at the Almaty Asian Junior Cup in Kazakhstan last weekend. James successfully completed his examination under the supervision of IJF Head Referee Directors, Daniel Lascau and Armen Bagdasarov to become an IJF A Referee.
James on his promotion said “This event and exam was a pinnacle for me, I knew it would be a test and it’s a big weight off my shoulders to have been successful.
“I’m glad of the support I’ve had from British Judo and JudoScotland, as well as from friends, family and my refereeing colleagues. It’s important to continue to improve our refereeing and I hope to use this as an opportunity to share what I’ve learned and to support the development of our referees across the UK.”
JudoScotland would like to extend our congratulations to James on this incredible achievement.