JudoScotland is concerned that the changes proposed by the Scottish Government could have a significant detrimental impact on the safe delivery of judo in Scotland, and that the financial impact on volunteers and judo clubs will create an additional barrier at a time when volunteers have never been needed more. We strongly encourage as many people as possible to contribute their views.

The Scottish Government has opened a consultation and is seeking views on a new fee structure for the different types of disclosure under The Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020. This includes membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme and changes to how discounts and fee waivers are applied to volunteers and other groups.

Disclosure Scotland is proposing to apply discounts for people on benefits, care experienced young people and volunteers. However, the current scheme provides a fee waiver (free PVG) for all volunteers including those on benefits and care experienced young people. These discounts would therefore mean an increase in costs for volunteers from these groups and all volunteers involved in sport and other voluntary organisations.

These changes could:

  • Create an additional barrier to people volunteering and ultimately may stop people volunteering within sport.
  • Provide an additional financial burden on sports clubs and individuals.
  • Increase the risk to children, young people and people from vulnerable groups as some individuals and clubs may decide not to get a PVG for financial reasons.

We urge you to read the briefing document and respond to the consultation which is in the document, prior to the consultation closing on 28th May 2024.